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Dr. Andrea Colon NMD
Find Hormonal Balance Naturally
Having a hormonal imbalance isn’t unusual, and the most common causes are the natural aging process, but there may be underlying issues.
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Dr. Andrea Colon NMD
Approaching Gut Health the Naturopathic Way
It’s important that we listen to our gut! It usually knows what’s up. But listening to it is only half the battle.
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Dr. Andrea Colon NMD
Naturopathy and Skin Health
Our skin is the largest organ of our body, and as such, can be affected by a number of factors, both internal and external.
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Dr. Andrea Colon NMD
My Personal Struggle with Acne
I started having issues with acne in my early teenage years. It wasn’t just the acne that was the issue, but the fact that it would...
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